Vibro Acoustic Therapy

Vibro-Acoustic Therapy is a complementary addition to your massage therapy experience. It is a low frequency sound massage received on a specially designed table that creates a total inner body massage, gently vibrating organs, tissues and cells throughout the body. This therapy converts sound into vibrations via transducers mounted under the table, showering the body with sound waves while the user relaxes to soothing healing tones.

Receiving regular sound massage has been scientifically studied to:

- Reduce stress
- Decrease the experience of pain
- Reduce nausea, headaches, fatigue and depression
- Improve range of motion
- Reduce insomnia
- Heal digestive problems
- Improve back, neck and shoulder pain
- Speed post surgical recovery
- Entrain brainwaves

The body can be compared to a skin sack filled mostly with watery substances. If we imagine a sack being placed over one single loudspeaker and send sound waves into it, we can understand that the vibrations can be felt at any point of the sack's surface. The sound waves move through water and transfer movement energy to the surface of the sack. This means that all of the water inside of the sack has also been vibrated by the sound waves moving through.

We can look upon it this way: the body has been exposed to "internal massage". Thus organs in the body which we can not reach by traditional methods- nerves, glands, lungs, heart, deep lying blood vessels and brain tissue- will react in some way when they are accessed effectively by whole body vibration transferred directly into the body's surface. This is the basic premise of VAT.

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Contact Information

(416) 859-0886